Phalcon v5.6.1 Released

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Phalcon v5.6.1 Released

We are happy to announce that Phalcon v5.6.1 has been released!

This release fixes a few bugs and the oh so dreaded deprecation warning for “self” in callables!.

A huge thanks to our community for helping out with bug fixing and more importantly bug reporting!



  • Changed Phalcon\Cli\Router::setDefaultAction and Phalcon\Cli\Router::setDefaultModule to return the object back for a fluent interface #16328


  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql::describeColumns() to return the correct string back #16371
  • Fixed Phalcon/Filter/Validation::validate() and Phalcon/Filter/Validation/ValidationInterface::validate() to return also bool #16337
  • Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model::toArray to ignore getters when the field name is source. #16514
  • Fixed Phalcon\Http\Request::getPut to correctly get form encoded data #16519
  • Fixed deprecation warning in callables Use of "static" in callables is deprecated for PHP 8.2+ #16263


Developers can upgrade using PECL

pecl install phalcon-5.6.1

To compile from source, follow our installation document

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